Direction and distance on broadcast messages
issueid=313 07-22-2011 10:18 AM
Ancient Member
Number of reported issues by Laukku: 56
Direction and distance on broadcast messages

When the PC hears something, mention where the sound seems to come from:

"You hear something being opened far away to the east."
"...nearby to the southwest."
Issue Details
Issue Number 313
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM II (formerly known as JADE)
Category Unknown
Status Suggested
Priority 9
Suggested Version JADE 0.1.2
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 3
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

07-22-2011 12:29 PM
Senior Member
I just thought I'd add that the sound should travel by open spaces. I could have sworn that I read, at some point in the past, that sound (and smell, I think) was implemented to "propagate" through the level, rather than simply being an event. If that memory isn't false, then I'd like to see it be smart enough to figure out which direction the sound actually came from (rather than just where the source is relative to the PC), and report it to the player.

07-22-2011 03:08 PM
Ancient Member
More specific suggestions for implying distance:
1 tile away from the player: "next to you"
2 to 10 tiles: "very near"
11 to 25: "nearby"
26 to 50: "not too far away"
51 to 100: "in the distance"
>100: "far away"

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