Improve the point-allocation attribute system
issueid=4259 02-02-2016 08:13 PM
Senior Member
Number of reported issues by shockeroo: 50
Improve the point-allocation attribute system

Please consider this RFE as a request for improvement to the stat-allocation system based on or around the following, as opposed to one specific solution. It is clear that there is little consensus on exactly what to change, and the creator has some strong views on the subject.

1) There is a significant difference between what many expected 'points-based allocation' to mean, and the current implementation which is designed heavily around ADOM's internal character generation process.
2) The range in which stats can be allocated is extremely narrow for the vast majority of races and classes, leading to a near-absence of meaningful choices and tradeoff decisions. (Many r/c cannot change several stats AT ALL, most others are limited to a range of 3 points).
3) Because background story is generated AFTER point allocation, the attribute scores seen in point allocation have little bearing on the actual attributes the character will have. This is counter-intuitive, and frustrating for some players.

1) Consider a more mainstream type of point-allocation method (for example, this is how Pathfinder does it. ADOM could use a similar system to determine base stats, with the numbers modified by race, class and possibly background factors.)
2) Allow a greater range of allocations. This could be accomplished by 1), or changed directly from what it is now.
3) Generate background story before points allocation; OR allow selectable background story; OR remove background stories entirely from points-based characters.

Pre-RFE Thread
Issue Details
Issue Number 4259
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All
Status Implemented
Priority 5 - Medium
Suggested Version ADOM r66 (v2.2.0)
Implemented Version ADOM 2.3.0 (r73)
Milestone (none)
Votes for this feature 5
Votes against this feature 1
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

07-15-2017 05:57 PM
Issue Changed by adom-admin
  • Status changed from Suggested to Implemented
  • Issue marked as addressed

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