RFE Reminder: Text Color Change
issueid=4692 02-28-2017 10:52 PM
Number of reported issues by theseus12: 32
RFE Reminder: Text Color Change
Reminder Post requested by Biskup

http://imgur.com/G9fRGMa << Reference Photo

Yellow highlighted text shows up rather poorly against yellow-brown parchment. As stated in the original RFE, I think a dark green color would be a suitable replacement. It's alignment neutral, and shows up nicely, which comes with the bonus feature that the guy who did the artwork won't have to draw it all up again. As of this post, the original RFE has two votes for the feature, and zero against. But that's a moot point, seeing as I suspect Thomas will be looking into some form of implementation, seeing as he asked for a reminder. Which is also why I put it at priority three, as opposed to it's original priority 4.


Oops! Accidentally posted this under bugs. My bad. Ah well, I'll just leave it as is. Damage is done. This was just a reminder anyways. Additionally, I think people would like a link to the original post.

Issue Details
Issue Number 4692
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All Steam Versions
Status Unconfirmed
Priority 3
Affected Version ADOM r72 (v2.2.6)
Fixed Version (none)
Milestone (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

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