Improve Perion's Mithril Plate Mail
issueid=4348 06-30-2016 08:53 PM
Junior Member
Number of reported issues by Harkila: 154
Improve Perion's Mithril Plate Mail
Currently it's inferior to dragon scale mails and EPM.

There is only one real artifact armour in the game - Perion's. (Apart from the chaos knight one, which I don't count.) The rest are robes and a leather armour. Unfortunately, Perion's is also arguably the most boring artifact in the entire game, completely lacking any character or desirability.

With [-1, +13] it's less desirable than a regular eternium plate mail, or the semi-abundant dragon scale mails, which grant immunities. With the addition of full plate armours, where an eternium FPA is around [-3, +18], I suggest that this only true artifact armour would be buffed a bit. For example, [-1, +20].

It's still a very rare item and +20 is still far from the hulking armours and anything else so in my opinion this would not be imbalancing.
Issue Details
Issue Number 4348
Issue Type Feature
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All
Status Implemented
Priority 8
Suggested Version ADOM r66 (v2.2.0)
Implemented Version ADOM 2.3.0 (r73)
Milestone (none)
Votes for this feature 10
Votes against this feature 3
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

09-08-2017 09:47 PM
Issue Changed by adom-admin
  • Status changed from Suggested to Implemented
  • Issue marked as addressed

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