You are hungry - you drown?
issueid=1000 05-07-2012 09:49 PM
Number of reported issues by Dervi: 20
You are hungry - you drown?

Upon leaving the Drakalor chain, my character found a tile labeled "4" near an ocean and stepping on it produced a message "You board the small boat". After wandering 10-12 turns on the ocean, my character became hungry. As soon as the message appeared, another message appeared saying that the water was too deep to swim and moving anywhere now produced a "You drown" message until the character died.
Issue Details
Issue Number 1000
Project ADOM II (formerly known as JADE)
Category Gameplay
Status Fixed
Priority 5 - Medium
Affected Version ADOM II 0.2.6
Fixed Version ADOM II 0.2.8
Users able to reproduce bug 1
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

05-08-2012 06:07 AM
The Creator
Could it be that you missed a message about the ship being destroyed by freak waves, rocks or something else? ADOM II has a variety of dangers built in that can destroy your ship (depends on your sailing skill).

05-08-2012 11:52 AM
Nope, no message. The message list had "you board the small boat" followed by "you are hungry" and then "the water is too deep - you drown".

05-17-2012 10:17 PM
The Creator
And you also pressed '>' to enter the raft? Sorry for asking these stupid questions but so far I am totally unable to reproduce the problem :-)

05-18-2012 02:47 AM
Junior Member
I get the same bug. You only get this bug if you step onto a raft (or other boat?) and then walk onto an ocean tile WITHOUT boarding the raft by pressing ">".

When you do that, the raft stays put but you don't get any swimming/drowning messages, until you get hungry at which point you start to drown normally.

i.e., step onto a raft, step onto an ocean tile, you can walk around on water until you get hungry(er) at which point you start drowning.

05-20-2012 12:31 PM
The Creator
Fixed for ADOM II 0.2.8. Please send your real name to creator(at) for it to be included in the credits. (If you were already asked to do so you can ignore this message. Please include a reference to the bug or RFE you are credited for.)

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