Equipping ammunition changes its stats
issueid=1583 12-28-2012 03:37 AM
Ancient Member
Number of reported issues by Grond: 971
Equipping ammunition changes its stats

Equipping ammunition removes any +damage bonuses (e.g. 1d10+1 changes to 1d10 once equipped). This effect is permanent.
Also, the to-hit bonuses of ammunition change when equipped - the to-hit bonus listed in the backpack seems to have no relation to the bonus when equipped (+3 arrows of precision became +0 when equipped, some arrows went from +0 to +5 when equipped, some quarrels went from -2 to +1).

EDIT: Possibly related to http://www.adom.de/forums/project.php?issueid=1578 ?
Issue Details
Issue Number 1583
Project ADOM II (formerly known as JADE)
Category Gameplay
Status Unconfirmed
Priority 8
Affected Version ADOM II 0.3.1
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

12-29-2012 03:11 PM
The Creator
From all I can see it's a side effect of http://www.adom.de/forums/project.php?issueid=1578

01-01-2013 07:56 PM
Ancient Member
Quote Originally Posted by adom-admin
From all I can see it's a side effect of http://www.adom.de/forums/project.php?issueid=1578
In 0.3.2 the damage behavior is fixed, but the to-hit bonus still changes.

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