Keyboard bindings for movement seem inconsistent
issueid=198 07-02-2011 09:28 PM
Dom Dom is offline
Junior Member
Number of reported issues by Dom: 5
Keyboard bindings for movement seem inconsistent

Keybindings for movement on my laptop keyboard seem to be...

TYU (upper left, up, upper right)
G (left)
J (right)
B (lower left)
M (lower right)
H (down)

The H binding feels wrong - H feels like it should be 'wait' and the missing N key should move down instead. Now this may well be the way my laptop was naturally bound, anyone else finding this?
Issue Details
Issue Number 198
Project ADOM II (formerly known as JADE)
Category Unknown
Status Fixed
Priority 7
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version JADE 0.1.2
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

07-02-2011 10:24 PM
Junior Member
I see the same key bindings as you do. While it does seem strange (the bindings you suggest seem more logical), it may be done this way to save finger fatigue. Or it may be done to avoid tying up the 'n' key (used for "no" responses to prompts, etc.).

At any rate, although this doesn't fix the default bindings, you can manually edit them yourself using an ordinary text editor. On Vista, the file to edit is at %userprofile%\.jade\cfg\keymap.cfg. Change the value of "move.s" to read "2 \D n" to get the binding you want.

07-03-2011 12:24 AM
Ancient Member
I'd actually suggest y k u for nw, n, ne; h for w and l for e; b j n for sw, s, se; and . for wait (oddly missing)
This is how crawl implements it, and it's incredibly convenient to be able to move with just your right hand while doing such things as casting spells with the left (assuming that's implemented the same as ADoM, of course!).

07-05-2011 09:37 PM
The Creator
Fixed for JADE 0.1.1. Please send me your full name to creator(at) for the credits.

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