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Thread: gut's question system CHEAT SHEET

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default gut's question system CHEAT SHEET

    18. After ending your apprenticeship you tr
    a: De +1 To +1 Ch-1 Ma-1.............strip the traveller of everything va
    B: St +1 Le-1 To +1 Ma-1.............strike the killing blow of mercy, th
    c: St -1 De +1 To-1 Ma for a few days and try to aid h
    d: St +1 Dx-1.......................carry him to the next village?

    51. After many years of toil, you have comp
    a: Wi +1 Pe -1....................thank your master politely
    b: Wi +1 Ma to learn more from your master,
    C: St +1 To +1 Ma -2..............slay your master so that
    D: Le +1 Ma out a new master

    15. After serving your master for several m
    a: Le -1 Wi +1.......................heed the command of your master and
    B: Le +1 Wi-1 Ma-1 Pe +1.............give in to temptation and peruse the
    c: Wi-1 De +1 Ch-1 Ma +1.............accidently knock the pedestal over,
    d: Le +1 Wi +1 Ma -2...............ask your master about the book once he

    33. As a child, whenever your friends had a
    a: Wi -1 Ma +1....................went along because you were forced
    B: Le +1 Pe -1....................went along curious to see how others
    ..c: To -1 Ch +1....................stayed home helping your mother?
    d: De +1 Ch -1....................went fishing?

    21. As you make your way toward the chain o
    a: Wi +1 Ch +1 Ma -2...............attempt to aid them in their plight
    b: Ch-1 Ma +1.......................offer the merchants the name of a ri
    c: Wi-1 De +1.......................wait until everyone goes to bed, th
    D: St-1 Le +1 Wi-1 De +1 Ch-1 Pe +1...engage the merchants in conversation

    11. At one point you fall deeply into lo
    a: Le-1 Wi +2 Ch-1..................continue your advances because perse
    ..b: Wi-1 Ch-1 Ma +1 Pe +1.............stop your advances because there are
    c: Wi-1 De +1 Ch-1 Ma +1.............admit defeat and never again show yo
    D: Le +1 Ma -1.....................discuss your feelings with that per

    24. During a night out, one of your friends
    ..a: St -1 To -1 Ch +1 Ma what you can to heal his wounds?
    B: St +1 Le -1 To +1 Ch after the attackers to reclai
    c: To +1 Ch +1 Ma -1 Pe -1.........wait with your friend until help ar
    d: Wi +1 To -1.....................go and alert the city guards?

    22. During your apprenticeship under an eld
    ..a: Dx-1 Ch +2 Ma-1..................tell your master of your finding?
    B: Le +1 Wi-1 Ch-1 Ma +1.............keep the amulet to your self, in ho
    c: Wi-1 To +1.......................sell it, to get money for better li
    d: Wi +1 Pe-1.......................leave it be and forget about it sinc

    19. Evil has started to invade the world, s
    a: De +1 Ch -1.....................there are bound to be untold riches
    b: Le -1 Ma +1.....................this is finally the chance to prove
    C: Le +1 Ma -1.....................knowledge and insights hitherto unk
    ..d: Le -1 Wi -1 Ma +2...............somebody has to save the world!

    16. Having finally mastered the basics of
    A: Le +1 Wi-1 Ch-1 Ma +1.............surrender your possessions, failing your
    b: Le-1 Wi +1.......................shout for help?
    C: St +1 Le-1 Wi +1 To +1 Ma-1 Pe-1...ready your weapons and fight for you
    d: Le-1 Wi +1 Ma +1 Pe-1.............risk the river despite your meagre

    26. If you came across an animal that was w
    A: St +1 To +1 Ch -1 Ma -1.........slay it as an act of mercy?
    b: De +1 Ch -1.....................agitate it during its final moments?
    c: Wi +1 Ch -1.....................walk away?
    d: Wi +1 Ap -1 Ma +1...............attempt to heal it, although odds a

    4. In cold winters lots of wood
    A: St +1 Pe-1.......................fetch the fire wood from the far hil
    b: Wi +1 Ma-1.......................fetch the fire wood out of the sacre
    C: St-1 Le +1.......................risk some cold nights because it's t
    D: St +1 Le-1 To +1 Ch-1.............fetch lots of wood from the far hill

    2. In your childhood slaves were
    A: St +1 Le-1 Wi +1 To +1 Ch-1 them personally,
    B: Le +1 Ch-1.......................ignore their pains
    C: St-1 Le +1 Wi +1 To-1.............ask the taskmas [hard work you are obliged]
    D: St +1 To +1 Ch +1 Ma -2.........ask the taskmas [hard chores yourself]

    20. Now that you are old enough, your paren
    a: St -1 De +1 To -1 Pe +1.....................stealthily walk down and ambush
    B: St -1 Le +1 Wi -2 De +1 To +1 Ch -1 Pe away, because what
    C: Le +1 De +1 Ch -2 Ma -1 Pe +1...............wait to see if the raiders would
    d: St -1 Wi +1.................................quickly scout the area for help?

    43. On your way to the Drakalor Chain, you
    a: Dx -1 To +1....................a rocky path into the countryside?
    ..b: Ma -1 Pe +1....................the path through a thick forest?
    C: Le +1 Ma -1....................a worn path over the hills?
    D: St +1 Le -1....................the path past a desolate town?

    35. One night you wake up of a strange dog
    A: St +1 Dx -1 To +1 Ch -1........end the dog's sufferings?
    B: Le +1 De +1 Ma -1 Pe -1........try to medicate the dog?
    c: Le +1 Ma -1....................wake your father and mother up?
    d: Wi +1 Ch -1....................ignore the dog?
    Last edited by gut; 03-25-2010 at 07:48 AM.
    "Whip me!" pleads the adom player. The rng replies... "No."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    14. Soon after starting your apprenticeship
    A: Le +1 Wi-1 To +1 Ch-1.............endure all abuse in exchange for kno
    ..b: Wi-2 Ma +2.......................continue your apprenticeship hoping
    c: Le-1 Wi +1 To-1 Ch +1.............complain to your master about his be
    d: Le -1 De +1 Ma away during the night?

    17. The final day of your apprenticeship h
    a: Le-1 To +1.......................pick a pair of sturdy boots to aid y
    b: De +1 a slender dagger to ensure yo
    c: Ch +1 Ma-1.......................choose a small pouch of coins to get
    D: Le +1 Dx-1.......................go for a few final bits of advice to

    41. There have been whispers throughout th
    ..a: Ma -1 Pe +1....................the early snow and sudden frost?
    B: Le +1 Wi -1....................a strange, sickly bird?
    ..c: Ch -1 Ma +1....................the behaviour of the townsfolk?
    d: To +1 Pe -1....................the barren trees about your home?

    38. What about you gave your parents the mo
    a: Wi +1 Ch always had to be the center
    b: Ch -1 Ma +1 Pe holed up in your room instead o
    c: De +1 Ch -1....................your frequent brushes with the law.
    d: Dx -1 To +1....................your amazing appetite.

    37. What would you order in a restaurant f
    A: St +1 Le -1....................raw meat.
    ..b: Ch -1 Ma +1....................fried bat.
    c: St -1 De +1....................cooked lizard.
    d: Ch +1 Ma -1....................the dish of the day.

    6. When exploring a long-forgotten shed
    A: Le +1 Wi +1 To-1 Ch-1.............take some time and study the texts
    b: Le-1 To +1.......................burn the texts
    C: Le +1 Dx-1 Ch +1 Pe-1.............take the scrolls and books back to y
    d: Le-1 De +1.......................ignore your findings in order to get

    36. When your father took you hunting for t
    A: St +1 Le -1 Wi -1 To +1........kill the deer, because you wanted y
    B: St +1 Le +1 To -1 Ma -1........feel sorry for the deer, but kill it
    C: St +1 To +1 Ch -2..............kill the deer with a smile on your
    d: Wi +1 Ch -2....................decide not to kill such a magnificen

    9. While crossing a ford on a well-known road
    a: Le-1 To for help hoping that a traveller
    b: Wi +2 Dx-1 To-1..................try to crawl to a safe place, risking
    ..c: Le-1 Wi-1 Ma +2..................pray to the gods and wait?
    d: De +1 To-1.......................try to stabilize your leg with some branches

    23. While doing research in a library, you
    A: St -1 Le +1 Ch +1 Ma -1..........other adventurers to help fight the
    ..b: St -1 To -1 Ma +2...............magical items and spellbooks to stre
    c: St -1 Le -1 De +1 Ma +1.........all that which you can carry in a sm
    d: Ma -1 Pe +1.....................superb equipment and provisions, to

    50. While learning tricks of the trade from
    a: Le -1 Wi +1....................keep it to yourself, sure that your
    b: Ma +1 Pe -1....................loudly point out the new method, pro
    C: Le +1 Wi -1 Ch -1 Ma +1........keep it to yourself, hoping that you
    D: Le +1 Ma -1....................write the method down and leave it

    25. While on a journey, your carriage is at
    a: Le +1 To -1 Ch +1...............try and negotiate with the attacker
    b: Le -1 Wi +1 De +1 To -1.........sacrifice yourself by masking as the
    c: St -1 Wi -1 De +1 Pe +1.........sneak your way past the attackers i
    d: Wi -1 To +1 Ma -1 Pe +1.........turn the emissary over to the spies

    12. While on a market, you discover a merch
    a: Le-1 De +1 Ma-1 Pe +1.............try to steal the item in a moment o
    b: Le-1 De +2 Ch-1..................try to earn some coins as a juggler
    C: St +1 Dx-1 Ch-1 Pe +1.............wait until night comes and then slay
    d: Wi +1 Ma-1.......................ignore the item for now and work mor

    13. While playing in the fields during you
    a: Ap +1 Ma-1.......................put it on to see how it will look on you?
    B: Le +1 it to your parents just in case
    ..c: Ch +1 Ma-1.......................try to trade it with your friends?
    ..d: Le-1 Ch-1 Ma +1 Pe +1.............keep on searching in hope of finding

    34. While shopping, you spot someone steal
    a: Le +1 Pe -1....................tell the shopkeeper?
    B: St +1 Le -1 De +1 Ma -1........stop the thief and pursue him if nee
    ..c: Le -1 Dx -1 Ma +2..............hope the shopkeeper sees him steali
    ..d: Ch -1 Ma +1....................ignore the thief?

    39. Will you fight evil...
    A: St +1 Le -1 Wi +1 Dx battling evil creatures whenever
    B: St -1 Le trying to understand the cause an
    ..c: Le -1 Ch repairing the damage everywhere
    ..d: St -1 To -1 Ch +1 Ma trying to become a leader and st

    3. You and your friends pass a lot of time fighting
    A: St +1 Le-1 De +1 To +1 Ch-1 Ma-1...train hard in order to be the best
    B: Le +1 Wi-1 De +1 Ch-1.............try to win with dirty tricks so that
    ..c: St-1 Dx-1 Ma +2..................let fate decide who is the best among you?
    ..d: St-1 To-1 Ch-1 Ma +1 Pe +2........avoid those physical challenges in c

    31. You are called home to run your late fa
    ..a: Wi -1 Ch +1 Ma -1 Pe +1.........return home without a moment's paus
    b: Wi +1 Ch -1 Pe -1...............stay to follow your quest indefinit
    C: Le +1 Ch -1 Ma +1 Pe -1.........send some poor farm kid in your pla
    d: Wi +1 Pe -1.....................continue questing in hopes that the
    Last edited by gut; 03-25-2010 at 07:47 AM.
    "Whip me!" pleads the adom player. The rng replies... "No."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    46. You are chopping wood at your cottage i
    ..a: Ch +1 Ma -1...................."Of course I can! Just come on in
    b: De +1 Ma -1...................."Why not...
    c: Wi +1 Ma -1...................."No way! Run away you little pest!
    d: Ch -1 Ma +1...................."For a price...anything!"

    32. You are a witness to a crime. You are
    A: Le +1 Ch -1.....................falsely attest his guilt to avenge
    ..b: Wi -1 Ch -1 Ma +2...............claim that he was guilty just for fu
    c: Wi +1 Ma -1.....................attest the truth and call him out
    d: Wi +1 Ch -1.....................tell the truth, but let the vendett

    28. You are carrying your liege's gold to
    ..a: Le -1 Ch +1 Ma +1 Pe -1.........give him some of your liege's money?
    ..b: Ch +1 Pe -1.....................give him some of your own money?
    C: St +1 De +1 Ch -1 Ma -1.........take what little money the beggar ha
    D: St +1 To +1 Ma -1 Pe -1.........ignore the beggar?

    40. You are in a nobleman's house as a dinn
    a: Wi -1 De +1....................pocket the book in hopes of selli
    B: Le +1 Ma the book
    C: St +1 Le -1....................advise your host that such a valuab book?
    d: Le -1 De +1....................admire the cover then look around fo

    7. You are offered two jobs
    A: Le +2 Dx-1 To-1..................accept the job [cataloguing the books]
    ..b: Ma +1 Pe-1.......................accept the job [better-paid]
    c: Le-1 De +1.......................accept the job with the stable [exciting]
    d: Wi +1 De +1 To-1 Ma-1.............accept the job with the stable [training]

    45. You are walking on the street, when yo
    A: St +1 Le to help the beggar regardless th
    b: Wi -1 De +1....................quickly walk away so the men won't
    C: St +1 To +1 Ch -1 Ma -1........go help the men beat the beggar?
    D: St -1 Le +1....................shout to the nearby people to come h

    44. You attempt to make an arrow and you do
    ..a: Le -1 Ma +1....................pray to the Gods for guidance on mak
    b: Le -1 Wi +1....................bang your head against the wall for
    C: St +1 Le -1....................hit someone to let out your aggressi
    d: Wi +1 Dx -1 Ma -1 Pe +1........calmly recover yourself and begin ma

    49. You find yourself working as an apprent
    ..a: Le -1 Ch +1 Ma +1 Pe -1........publicly humiliate him, hoping it wi
    B: Le +1 Dx -1....................calmly accept his cruelty, knowing t
    c: Le -1 De +1 Ch -1 Ma +1........kill him and steal all the tools of
    d: Wi -1 Ma +1....................leave his service for a less experie

    10. You have been training with weapons for
    A: Le +1 Dx-1.......................agree with him and wait for a coupl
    b: Le-2 Wi +2 To +1 Ap-1.............train harder and longer to prove yo
    C: Le +1 De +1 Ch-2..................learn a few dirty tricks from an old
    D: Le +1 Wi-2 Pe +1..................stop your combat training completely

    29. You have stolen to feed your family and
    a: Wi -1 De +1 To -1 Pe +1.........rush to a hiding place and, when it
    B: St +1 Le -1 To +1...............attack the guards head on!
    ..c: Le -1 Ch +1 Ma +1 Pe -1.........turn in yourself in hopes of being
    ..d: Le -1 Ma +1.....................become a professional criminal and

    47. You return back from your hunting trip
    a: Le -1 Wi +1....................try to save what you can by any means?
    b: Wi -1 Ma +1....................let it burn and build a new cottage
    C: St +1 Le -1....................rush over to town and demand money f
    ..d: Ma -1 Pe +1....................suspect that someone tried to assasi

    27. Your brother has come asking that you h
    A: St +1 Wi +1 Dx -1 Ch -1.........send him away?
    B: Le +1 Wi -1 Ch +1 Pe -1.........gladly let him in and then try to s
    c: Le -1 Wi +1.....................tell him he must repent in a prison
    d: St -1 De +1 Ch +1 Pe -1.........invite him to join your band of thie

    48. Your father has apprenticed you to the
    a: Le -1 Wi +1....................happily accept the position, believi
    b: Wi +1 To +1 Ch -1 Ma -1........grudgingly accept, not wanting to sh
    c: Wi +1 Ch -1....................adamantly refuse, setting out on you
    d: Wi -1 De +1 Ch -1 Ma +1........pretend to accept, but plan to run

    1. Your father wants you to help him buil
    A: St +1 Le -1 To +1 Pe your fath [despite missing the oppor]
    B: St +1 Wi -1 Ch -1 Pe your fath [until your uncle departs]
    C: Le +1 Ch -1.....................feign to work hard
    d: St -1 Le +1 Wi +1 Ch -1.........accompany your uncle

    8. Your favorite teacher discovers you while you try to cheat
    a: Le-1 Wi +2 Ch-1..................try to convince him that you are a
    b: Wi-1 Pe +1.......................try to find another better teacher b
    c: Le-1 Wi-1 De +1 Pe +1.............stop your learning efforts since you
    D: Le +1 Ch-1.......................try to learn more from a friend of y

    5. Your grandfather always taught you to hone your mental
    A: Le +2 To-1 Ch-1..................learn with the wise ones
    B: Le +1 To-1 Ch-1 Ma +1.............learn with the priests
    c: Le +1 Wi-1 De +1 Ch-1 Ap-1 Pe nature with the rangers
    d: no changes......................ignore his wishes

    30. Your king lies dying, the battle is
    ..a: Wi -1 Ch +1....................."All is well!"
    b: Wi +1 Ch -1 Ma -1..............."Unfortunately, we are defeated!"
    C: St +1 Le -1 To +1 Ch -1........."C'mon, die already, I want yer crow
    d: Le -1 De +1....................."Unfortunately, I am not able to he

    42. Your mind made up, you pack your bags a
    A: St +1 Dx -1....................a worn old dagger?
    B: St -1 Le +1....................a book of cantrips?
    c: Dx -1 To +1....................extra rations?
    d: De +1 To -1....................a length of rope?

    Last edited by gut; 03-25-2010 at 07:47 AM.
    "Whip me!" pleads the adom player. The rng replies... "No."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Whoah nice list, I guess I can stop (R)andoming now
    0% Winrate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    may i propose a quick solution?
    copy the text on a .xls file
    then "find" the key word of the question to find rapidly the answer
    and finally Stop scrolling up and down the list
    A true lier in a world of lying truth

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009


    With Firefox you can just Ctrl+F
    0% Winrate

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I was going to suggest attaching it as a text file. Alternately you could link to the IGB page with all these stats in actual and neatly arranged HTML tables. I dont see how these tables are morally any different from IGB tables that many dislike, considering the exactness of the values (which makes it rather clear where they came from, so to say).

    Here it is, FOR REFERENCE, not for some sort of an advertisement for IGB. Why reinvent the wheel if it already exists?

    I'd say "I advise against clicking this link" but on that particular page, you wont see anything that isnt already in this topic. Enjoy.

    @gut: I'm not trying to belittle your work. However, as a logical creature, I do not see your logical reasoning for compiling the opening questions here, as it's already been done elsewhere in the past. It could be argued that your colouring is a sort of improvement over the other compiled list, but:
    A) It's based on opinions and not facts, therefore is biased;
    B) I'd use the Find/Highlight feature of Firefox to highlight, say, every +1LE entry just as well;
    C) Why did you choose brown for melee? I had to strain my eyes a little bit so that I could see where it's brown and where it isnt.
    Last edited by Elone; 03-24-2010 at 03:31 PM.
    ▼ All their fault. ▼

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    London, England


    I imagine it must be possible to get a Sage-like fix for ADOM that makes the stat changes appear at the bottom of the question screen. Maybe jaakkos will get a mind to try out some new hack

    The question system is still for noob fags though.
    Platinum Edition ADOMer - check out my roguelikes!

  9. #9
    nathrakh Guest


    Or someone with time could make a Copy-ready color change list (for SAGE) like this one here (but better :-D).

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Or even better: answer automatically to all questions.

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