For Sssracht's sake people, the world cup is in two days time, and all the forums seem to care about is whether the semi colon can be used as a super comma as well as to connect related independent clauses?

I mean really?

Who will bow out pathetically in the groups stages? Who will make the last 4? Who will ultimately triumph and be crowned champions of the world? Who will troll this thread with complaints about football being a stupid pointless game where teams play for hours only to draw 0-0?

I can haz some football excitement?

I suspect the winners to be Spain, Brazil, Argentia, or maybe Germany, who knows? I will be hoping for fine performances from Serbia and England, but am not expecting either team to get as far as last 4.

êdit: Dammit, I can't have an ê with a hat on in my thrêad titlê apparêntly. Shamê.