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Thread: Startup screen in Jade.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Dougy View Post
    This is unnecessary. What's there is fine. No worries.
    I couldn't agree more =)
    Ancient Domains of Insanity
    Insane Dungeon of the Rogues

    If you happen to know of a location to a missing chapter of ADOI, please contact me. <3

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by M_bowwarrior View Post
    JADE is a ASCII (or extended ASCII) game, so why do you want to "'improve" the startup screen ?

    we don't wand isometric-3D expensive animations, "just" a efficient game with plenty of stuff and details, as (or better as) ADOM.

    but it's just my point of view...
    By efficient do you mean hardware-wise? IIRC correctly, TB stated years ago that 128MB of RAM is minimum JADE must have. Well, that is mostly due to Java anyway, but considering that JADE will be in ASCII graphics, 128MB of RAM is just about the most inefficient I have ever seen so far.

    Well, I blame Java.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Oh, come on -- It's not just java; JADE's slated to be a massive program. Every entity is treated (statistically speaking) as a PC, everybody has their own agenda with an actual goal stack, the maps are multiple screens... have you seen the world map? I can't even begin to imagine what else Thomas is cooking up, and these things take RAM.... I'm not saying java's easy on memory, I'm just saying it's not the only hog present...

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by M_bowwarrior View Post
    one thing could be interesting, but I think it's already the case, is to have a "video" (understand, a animated image) of the game, as a demo. A character who move, fight, evolve, die... If this sort of stuff doesn't add to the game several Mo and doesn't take time, it could be fun.

    Remember: TB have said before in the blog that it is already that...
    but an improvement could be to have an option for saving the game "video" from a moment to another and use it in introduction....

    It could be fun to see our character just before a chaotic temple fighting eternium chaotic flesh golems and win (or die )

    Moreover, this add on could generate small "video" files who could be shared between people to share techniques and tips for "extra crispy places"

    This could be another thread maybe... if the "creator" like the idea.
    I kindda like the idea.. i agree that the startup screen is not as vital as the gameplay elements but I don't consider it useless either..
    Showing random replay/history file or borg playing the game is actually really cool..

  5. #25
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    Mar 2008


    JADE videos are af far from "useless" as possible, especially given the sheer complexity and size of the game, as promised by TB.
    If the randomized storyline proves to be true, i think it is not only a nice addition to toy around with, but an extremely useful feature on its own.

    Think about it: you tell a story of your last daring adventure on the forums, why not back it up with a recording?
    You post a YAVP, why not show a recording to prove you were not scumming stuff? (yeah, yeah, when there's a will... you could always hack it if desperate.)
    Or even post a director's cut version of the epic death of your character.

    As to the startup menu, I'd go for the classic ASCII look definitely.
    A nice option would be to make this whole thing customizable, using, for example, a system similar to Winamp's skins.
    Last edited by spectre; 03-09-2008 at 04:31 PM.

  6. #26


    Oh... i thought with "Videos" you meant something like FMV... my mistake!
    Recordings of the game however is not useless as you guys pointed out.
    I just wanted to have a ascii startup option since i am so used to it
    What a deliciously boring signature.

  7. #27
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    Somewhere out there...


    Quote Originally Posted by M_bowwarrior View Post
    JADE is a ASCII (or extended ASCII) game, so why do you want to "'improve" the startup screen ?

    we don't wand isometric-3D expensive animations, "just" a efficient game with plenty of stuff and details, as (or better as) ADOM.

    but it's just my point of view...
    You know, some people take the "ASCII art" thing to extreme levels.

    Admittedly, that uses the entire Japanese characterset, but I think the point is valid regardless.


  8. #28
    Join Date
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    France, Rennes, near Merlin's Grave


    Quote Originally Posted by sgeos View Post
    You know, some people take the "ASCII art" thing to extreme levels.

    Admittedly, that uses the entire Japanese characterset, but I think the point is valid regardless.

    I'm agree with you, of course, ascii art is an art !

    look at that for example :
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    so everybody is agree, it's perfect
    let's stay with ascii game, ascii videos, and ascii video startup screen
    Science sans conscience n'est que ruine de l'?me (rabelais)

    Dieu ne joue pas aux d?s (Einstein)

    you want to fight me?!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Tower - a roguelike!.

    I sent TB an email about that half a year ago, but he didnt respond.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    London, England


    Wow! This game looks... incredibly cool. And cute too, in a weird sort of way. I started it up and it knew my name was Grey :/
    Platinum Edition ADOMer - check out my roguelikes!

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