I've done this before but I was curious if anything has changed over the preleases.

What kills you? Post your top five deaths from your Highscore list as well as your most common form of death for characters after the tower (if you don't have any, you will if you keep trying).

5. L50 Drakish Wizard - Executed Himself (After Winning) with a magic missile misclick (magic missile is close to magic shovel)
6. L38 GE Druid - Killed by Fisty, couldn't produce not enough damage output on D50 because he lacked good spells.
7. L30 Ratling Archer - Blasted by Nurgy.
8. L29 Drakish Barb - Killed by a quickling queen while defrosting on D50
9. L25 Troll Barb - Technically killed by a Balor but about to be corrupted to a purple-J because he was crowned Chaotic fairly early.

However, I have a three-way tie for what kills me (the most) : 3 deaths to Mimics (and 1 to a Stone Ooze), 3 to Nurgy, and 3 to the Catlord.

Personally I think that Nurgy is balanced fine. However, I think Mimics and especially the Catlord are too strong. I've only managed to kill the Catlord a handful of times (otherwise just got lucky and avoided him). He's super fast and often hits for 100-150 a roundwhen disabled. Just my two-cents.