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Thread: Long time reader...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Long time reader...

    first time caller.

    Been playing ADOM for years. Finally getting the hang of it a bit. This was my second semi-successful beastfighter run. Previous one got killed by ACW.

    Got crowned with Bracers of War (nice!), and generally had good luck all around with the exception of cats. Black Wizard right above Forrest/DH went a little crazy summoning them. Cleared Griffyard with no problem. Cleared Pyramid with minimal fuss. Same with Tomb of High Kings. Got a wish in DF, used it for AoLS and managed to get it to Khelly. Also got perma-invis. Nice to get this after finishing dwarf quests. Went down to banshee level and just for fun brought the Banshee up to the forrest. I hate those trees anyhow, so I figured they had it coming. I had plenty of speed, so I wasn't too worried about her hitting me.

    This little guy (I'm partial to gnome beastfighters at the moment) got my first ACW kill. After wasting a bunch of arrows, potions and wands, I levelled up a bit and just took him down hand to hand.

    Found water dragon cave (again first time for me), chatted and stole Executor. Don't know if it would have done me any good, but I figured it couldn't hurt. Didn't have enough Wi for the rift, so I figured I'd just start back down though CoC. Hadn't had any problems so far. Head down below dwarftown again, thinking I need to be careful to stay away from that Banshee. I forgot one little thing though:

    You climb downstairs...
    There is a stair leading upwards here.
    The banshee wails her horrible song! The animated tree drops dead! The animated tree drops dead! The animated tree drops dead! The animated tree drops dead! The animated tree drops dead! The animated tree drops dead! The animated tree drops dead! The animated tree drops dead! The animated tree drops dead! The bone-charring sounds rip your heart apart! You die...


    Live and learn. Or is it die and learn?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Die and learn, definetely.

    ADOM is the perfect example that you learn more from one wrong than you learn from a thousand rights.

    And even then, there are somethings that are just impossible to predict. Like killing a cat in a dark room. Not every PC has the patience to light up every dark room just to cross 3 squares. Or perhabs killing cats with mindcraft or trapped doors. It's just not pratical or even possible to have that many scrolls of monster detection available. =P

    That's what makes ADOM a great game. The challenge is not in defeating a boss or completing a quest. Simple survival is a big enough challenge!

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