Whether you are a chaos cultist, a divine soul of the Church of Light or an amateur hedge magician, you can feel the tantalizing taste of magic on your tongue. The pleasant chill running down your spine when you invoke your incantation to dazzle or kill, to heal or overcome. The power running through your veins, manifesting in wonders defying and breaking the laws of creation. The swirling chaos of raw energy only your strong will can shape into deadly attacks.

You have read about spellcasting in Ultimate ADOM, you have listened to Brannalbin, the greatest magician on Ancardia.

And now we ask for your contribution. Close your eyes. Feel the magic within you. Form the raw matter with your will and create a spell.

Now describe it to us.

Come up with a cool effect, come up with an even cooler name.

The three entries submitted until end of November we like best will make it into Ultimate ADOM - Caverns of Chaos. And of course, when the time comes, the three magicians having submitted their best spell will get a copy of the game for free on a platform of their choice once it is available.

Good luck!