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Thread: Make Magic! Get your own spell into the game

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Thumbs up Make Magic! Get your own spell into the game

    Whether you are a chaos cultist, a divine soul of the Church of Light or an amateur hedge magician, you can feel the tantalizing taste of magic on your tongue. The pleasant chill running down your spine when you invoke your incantation to dazzle or kill, to heal or overcome. The power running through your veins, manifesting in wonders defying and breaking the laws of creation. The swirling chaos of raw energy only your strong will can shape into deadly attacks.

    You have read about spellcasting in Ultimate ADOM, you have listened to Brannalbin, the greatest magician on Ancardia.

    And now we ask for your contribution. Close your eyes. Feel the magic within you. Form the raw matter with your will and create a spell.

    Now describe it to us.

    Come up with a cool effect, come up with an even cooler name.

    The three entries submitted until end of November we like best will make it into Ultimate ADOM - Caverns of Chaos. And of course, when the time comes, the three magicians having submitted their best spell will get a copy of the game for free on a platform of their choice once it is available.

    Good luck!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Detroit, michigan


    Lightning storm; multi turn spell. Affects a large area specified by the caster similar to improved fireball, but larger area. Within the specified area there is a random chance of causing lightning damage on every round after spell is cast, but not on the round it was cast.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Detroit, michigan


    Enchant weapon; when cast it allows you to add an effect from spells you already know onto your melee weapon or ranged ammunition. Effectiveness increases duration, and effectiveness of target spell effect increases damage/bonus. Spell consumes knowledge from both spells chosen, and spell pp cost is both spell costs multiplied by each other.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Corruption Extraction

    Targets a single creature within the caster's line of sight. Can self-target.

    If the target has corruptions, it loses all of them and one writhing mass of primal chaos allied to the caster is summoned per corruption removed. If the target is a chaos monster (e.g. chaos warrior, balor), it instead takes a large amount of damage, and a number of writhing masses proportional to the strength of the target are summoned. If the target is neither corrupted nor a chaos monster, the spell has no effect. Whenever one of the summoned writhing masses of primal chaos dies, the caster gains a corruption.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013



    Living entities are drawn into each other. Fatally. Basically, choose several enemies that are each turn drawn closer to each other and crushed against each other, doing damage based on... the complexity of the code. Damage done could take into effect size and even the type of the enemy (scales, stone, flesh, etc.). For extra coding complexity, take into account type of armor (a plate-mail wielding enemy would receive less damage than the same enemy without armor when drawn against each other) Example: several goblins and a dragon. The goblins are crushed against the huge scaly dragon, and vaporized, whereas the dragon receives barely any (if at all) damage. Good for getting rid of fodder to fight the real battle. Good in combination with other spells - animate a wall and crush your enemies against it! Have a particularly sharp horror-enemy? Dismember limbs! Animate a weapon, the weapon is flung at the enemy and does damage based on the weapon damage stat. Get all your enemies grouped up together and then flash them with some bounce-spells (lightning or something) etc. Would be time-based, so far-off drawn enemies might not even get close enough to get crushed and thus suffer no consequences, especially if they are large or heavy.

    The spell, damage dependent on physical forms, wouldn't be much use for enemies without substance, except for maybe drawing them together for some other purpose.

    Many ways to implement it depending on how deep you want to go. Either have a central enemy that others are drawn to (or the central enemy is drawn to something larger) and take damage based on that central enemy, or have all enemies drawn to each other at a mid-point whereas they take damage based on other enemies near them. The spell can be incredibly complex (what is taken into account when moving enemies and calculating damage) or simple (for example, only size is taken into account) yet still fun to use. Could also use non-living entities to be drawn to (like a pillar in the middle of the room or something), but that might make the spell OP, thus the condition of living things. Maybe explained by the need for souls, thus it could categorize it as a corruption magic (it's a pretty heinous spell) or soul magic if there's such a thing. The drawing could be lessened or even countered with resistances. It's magic, so magic resistance? Possibilities are endless!

    My personal wish would be that it would take as much into account as possible - size, heaviness, type of skin, armor, form (enemies getting dismembered on sharp creatures or impaled on spiky creatures or animated traps and so on). Also can target self to add your pound of flesh into the amalgamation. Cost would depend on the amount of creatures (up to a maximum) and the size / heaviness of creatures, and would drain power each turn (which could be ended at will) up to a max number of turns, thus making it dynamic to use.
    Last edited by Drakasin; 11-09-2018 at 11:48 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Detroit, michigan


    Sand blast; does minor physical damage (1d4+E) and may blind creatures in a cone in front of the caster. Range is affected by willpower and effectiveness increases damage and blindness duration.

    Acidic mist; does acid damage in the area around the caster for increasingly more damage over several rounds based on effectiveness and willpower. Enemies will flee from mist if possible. Duration is 2+Wi/8 and damage is {(Wi/2)divided by # rounds left}d(4+E/5)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2018


    Summon Gaffer
    Type: Summoning Spells

    Calls forth a farmer minion that has 100 herbalism skill. It randomly plants seeds while following you through the dungeon. If there are plants around, he harvests them and drops the herbs on the floor for you to pick up. Alignment changes what creature type appears: L character will summon a hurthling farmer, N will summon a random humanoid race, C will summon an undead skeleton farmer. They can be left behind to farm an area as long as it is walled/fenced in.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Detroit, michigan


    This isn’t a new spell per se, but it is a suggestion for the implementation of magic; firstly, make spell effects Linger, for example, frost bolt makes you feel cold or freezes a portion of your or your enemies body. Or lightning bolt puts the nervous system in disarray for a while. Secondly, there should be allowed a synergistic effect, such as you cast frost bolt on an enemy in a swamp and it traps them in frozen ground. Or perhaps cast firebolt after frost bolt, it unfreezes the enemies body, but it has a chance of causing system shock or shattering their weapon. Also cast acid on an enemy then fire, and it creates an acidic vapor.

  9. #9


    Are Arcane, Druidic and Divine spells going to be learned differently, or will they still come from books you find dropped as random treasure?

    • O Taberna (Arcane, Bardic, Alchemic)
      This spell shares the gift of drink and song, for good or ill
      Select a potion in your inventory, then either target an enemy or yourself; either a single hostile target suffers the full effect, or all friendly targets in line of sight gain a reduced benefit.
      Like all Bardic spells, this spell requires a musical instrument, and the effectiveness and casting speed are modified by Music.
      Like all Alchemic spells, this spell requires an ingredient in inventory, and the effectiveness and success chance are modified by Alchemy.
    • Orient Self (Druidic, Bardic)
      This spell sends the caster into a musical trance, to better attune with spirits
      This spell lasts as long as the caster takes no non-spell casting actions. For the duration, Shamanic spells are cast faster and more easily (at reduced power cost.) Moving or fighting breaks the trance immediately.
      Like all Bardic spells, this spell requires a musical instrument, and the effectiveness and casting speed are modified by Music. ( search for "Orient Self" )
      Powers and Perils has an interesting spell list overall, actually. Elf Shot and Quarrels are
    • Shillelagh (Druidic, Shamanic)
    • Bane Blade (Arcane, Shamanic, Necromancy)
    • Thunderstruck (Arcane, Shamanic, Elemental: Lightning)
      Most Shamanic spells turn your equipment into fetishes of various kinds, but this requires a positive relationship with the corresponding type of spirit. Summoning a manifested spirit is higher level and more dangerous, but is also shamanic, as is Control Undead, a few others.
      These three spells all turn your wielded weapon into a fetish (binding a spirit into it temporarily.) This sours your relationship with the corresponding spirit type temporarily, but your relationship improves if you use the fetish in a fashion favored by the corresponding spirit.
      Necromancers start with a positive relationship with undead, Druids and to a lesser-extent Rangers and Beastmasters a positive relationship with nature spirits, Elementalists with all of the elementals. Bards should probably get random spirit friends. Chaos priests are presumably on relatively good terms with Demons.
    • Voodoo (Divine, Chaos)
      If cast at a corpse, this spell creates a voodoo doll, which is a sympathetic link to monsters of the same type. Making voodoo dolls spreads corruption in the vicinity (including to the caster).
      If cast at such a sympathetic link, the caster may choose to stab the doll in different places, producing ill effects at a randomly selected nearby monster of the same type. The spell has limited range but does not require line of sight, etc. Using voodoo dolls in this way is not corrupting. Some other chaos spells can also utilize voodoo dolls.
    • Witchglow (Druidic, Chaos)
      Enemies within line of sight are slowed and corrupted. Allies (including the caster) are corrupted but not slowed. This spell is harmful to light-sensitive beings but does not dispel darkness (the witchglow is too otherwordly to be used to see.)

    Maybe you want Rune Magic? Do people have to carve the runes before hand and then cart them around? You were working on a system that would let people build boats and stuff; there could be rune magic that interacts with that.
    Retromud has Rune Vikings who both carve runes and also carve equipment out of available wood and such.
    Alternatively, Runic Magic could deal with scrolls in your inventory the same way that alchemy deals with potions.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Alter Reality

    Manipulate the world around you allowing you to freely change the terrain to add/remove walls, water tiles, lava tiles, or other terrain features so that you may prepare the battlefield of your choosing.

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