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Thread: Highscore in use by another process

  1. #1

    Default Highscore in use by another process

    Each time a character dies, I get a "highscore is currently in use by another process" error. I've tried both just letting no score file be added, and selecting the "try to use the file anyway"-type option. The error persists, after a few weeks.

    In the folder, I see "HISCORE", "HISCOREM", "HISCOREW", and "ADOM_HS.LCK"... and I'm basically wondering if someone else has previously encountered this error and knows what I need to modify/delete....hopefully to (a) retain my existing high scores and (b) resume being able to store new scores.


  2. #2


    (per, my best guess is that I should delete the "ADOM_HS.LCK" file, but since (a) I've made poor decisions previously when trouble-shooting ADOM, and (b) I actually have victories in my high score, finally, I don't want to accidentally delete my whole high score....)

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