So I haven't done the animated forest in years due to increased confidence, knowledge of the game and it just being a waste of my time. Now the DH is a 2 level deathtrap I find myself looking at the animated forest a bit more favourably. Accept it's nothing like i remember. About 3 in 4 trees are hostile and there seems to be so many more of them, or at least less free space. This is results in quickly becoming surrounded with trees, most of which won't move if there's space (which there probably isn't) because they want to attack you. I've managed to get across and back ok, but it's has taken me (not the character) far too long to do it. I think my character, a dwarf monk, had it fairly easy with high st, to, pv and dv, all the nice monk talents, and a ring of invisibility. Is it me or is it worse? How are people getting across with doing the DH? I'm gunna use the darkforge backdoor when i next have to decend that far. I know it's a bug exploit but i think it's worth the boredom or certain death.