I was ill because I was eating the kobold. I had one health point and... simply died in the wilderness?


                                                           ^^^          ^^^^^
                                                          ^^^^^^^^ ^   ^^^..^

Isk           St:16  Le:13  Wi:14  Dx:13  To:17  Ch: 5  Ap: 5  Ma: 8  Pe:13 C
DV/PV: 18/1    H: -21(39)     P: 20(20)      Exp: 5/1335        DrCh  Sp: 110

              His achievements during his adventures:

Isk, the orcish mindcrafter, was wasted away by the terrible black fever.
He scored 1650 points and advanced to level 5.
He survived for 0 years, 5 days, 21 hours, 24 minutes and 57 seconds (1101
Isk visited 6 places.
His perception score was modified by +1 during his career.
He ended his adventuring life in the wilderness.
44 monsters perished under his attacks.
He possessed the following intrinsic:
  He was able to control teleportation.
He had the following talents: Alert, Miser.
He had a final speed score of 110 (final base speed: 110).
He was not very pious.
He asked for 3 divine interventions.
He was chaotically aligned.