So, first thing: I've never won the game before, and I'm certainly not going to an Ultra ending on my first try.

I reached Khelevaster on my level 16 human Paladin, crowned Neutral. This is the farthest I've gotten, and I wasn't sure if I should try to drink from pools to get a Wish and save him. I decided not to, because I wasn't going for an Ultra ending and also because I didn't want to lose my intrinsics:

  • Fire Immunity
  • Shock Immunity or Resistance (Blessed Lightning Lizard corpse; unsure yet)
  • Acid Resistance
  • Poison Resistance
  • Teleport Control
  • Teleportitis

Teleport Control & Teleportitis are definitely godsends for me so far, and I do have a spellbook of teleportation I'm saving to read for when I get 100 Literacy. I'm just curious from veterans if that was a good decision to make. I'm not sure if I shot myself in the foot for later or if it's not a big deal.