Hello everyone,

I've reinstalled ADOM 3.0.6 (public release) and changed the settings to my usual configuration. Then while playing, I had the idea that I could get rid of the blood splatter effect (happens when I damage a monster or get damaged myself) by lowering the detail level in the expert settings. I lowered it to 94, which I thought would be sufficient enough to remove all character decals.

But then two strange things happened: 1) the monster sprite in the main menu and in the monster memory became really squat and flat, and 2) the walls now have a top-down look compared to the cross-sectional look of the default setup. I posted two photos (one for each issue) in the attachment.

ADOM 3.0.6 bug 2 - Top down style walls instead of walls rising up.JPGADOM 3.0.6 bug 1 - Flattened showcase monster in main menu.JPG

Any help will be much appreciated, thank you!