As I know other people have noticed, when ADOM crashes, at least some of the time the backed-up file that is converted into a .svg file is not the most recent, it's the one created after ADOM was last open. I have a character past the Earth Temple, ADOM crashed, and the restore is from the Casino level. So...I would like careful advice on how to fix this.


I'm nearly 100% certain that what I want to do is have the .au5 from 4:38 PM converted from a backup file to an .svg file. But I can't simply make that file-name change (there's already an evayne.svg in the folder).

Last time I tried to manually fix this, whatever 'clever' approach I came up with (renaming the character in the restored file, I think, and then trying to re-name the correct backup file, and then deleting the spare files?) effectively worked as "Dan deleted his own character", so I definitely don't want to do that again.

What's the *correct* way to use the most-recent restore, rather than the when-I-started-playing-today restore?
