Greetings, Started playing a few weeks ago and have been watching various lets plays and what not. Hoping someone can clarify a question or two for me.

When you put on a piece of cursed equipment, does it give your character the same intrinsic as having a character curse or does it just mean the item is cursed and can't be removed? The wiki isn't very clear on how that works on the back end between the two. Also do some blessings override incoming curses happening after? I got crowned then post crowned for the first time and melee killed 2 different karmic lizards on accident (color blind and thought they were other types. doh) but my buffs still said blessed. How does that work? I thought it was supposed to remove my blessed (via removal of fate smiles / lucky)

On the former question, I know there are items that specifically doom you. If I were to put on a ring of doom while I'm fate smiles / lucky from a crowning does it just negate it out or does it cancel and put me all the way to doomed?

The cursed/blessed items vs intrinsic stuff isn't well explained/shown in game.
