Bonus Speed from Heat Not Going Down in Ice Queen Domain
issueid=4468 09-20-2016 09:48 PM
Ancient Member
Number of reported issues by Grond: 972
Bonus Speed from Heat Not Going Down in Ice Queen Domain

In the initial state of the Ice Queen Domain (before you kill enough monsters to make the cold worse), if you are cold-blooded and have a bonus to speed from heat (from ToEF, offensive alchemy, etc), this bonus does not decrease over time while you are in the IQD.
Issue Details
Issue Number 4468
Project ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
Category All
Status Fixed
Priority 5 - Medium
Affected Version ADOM r69 (v2.2.3)
Fixed Version ADOM r71 (v2.2.5)
Milestone Potential work pipeline
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users adom-admin
Tags (none)

09-27-2016 02:30 AM
The Creator

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